All you need to know about YouTube Subscibers.

YouTube Subscribers

YouTube has emerged to become one of the most popular media of gaining popularity and earning money. People from various walks of life have started promoting their company's brands, launching music videos, conducting informative workshops, makeup tutorials, dance tutorials, online coaching, etc.

Did you know?

As per 2019 statistics, approximately 95% of global internet population used YouTube which accounts to almost 2 billion users whereas there were 265 million active users in India alone.

Seems interesting, right?

YouTube subscribers do not belong to a certain category but rather they come from all age groups, from kids to grow ups to adults. 

As the popularity of YouTube increased exponentially within the last few years, they even created a different app altogether focusing only on young kids.

These subscribers are not only the youtubers' fans but also their contents' admirers since content is the ultimate King on YouTube. The subscribers do not always like the content hence they are given a chance to express their views and like or dislike a certain video based on their opinions.

Although content is the king, the youtubers use a lot of tips and tricks to promote their videos on a large scale.

The subscribers can be from any country, of any religion and no one can be denied the rights of using YouTube. These subscribers have access to the content 24/7 and all that they require is a good quality internet connection.

The subscribers tend to give a lot of love to the youtubers which motivates and encourages them in creating innovative and audience-engaging content.

Ever since the number of people using YouTube has increased, people from various genres have started sharing their journeys, health and body videos, cooking tutorials behind the scenes,etc.

As the popular influencers have started their own YouTube channels, the demand of YouTube among the young masses has ascended very much. 

In today's world, even though the mouth to mouth publicity is somewhat negligible in the large cities but in the era of WhatsApp and other social networking sites, one can simply copy and forward the link of the recommended YouTube video with 60% - 70% of success rate where the other person will click on the link and watch the video.

Earlier, YouTube and youtubers weren't  taken very seriously, rather the job wasn't given its due credit . This has changed from the past few years and now the youtubers and their content are given the name and fame that they deserve.

An actor or an actress is nothing without their fans and the same way youtubers are nothing without their subscribers.

These subscribers are the loyal fans of the youtubers and they like, share and comment on almost all the videos that they like. Some of them are unexpectedly so loyal that they come online and watch the video the moment they get the notification about a new video being uploaded.

Youtubers get so much love all around the world that it's difficult to resist yourself from trying to become a you-tuber at least once .

Lastly, YouTube has definitely outdone itself every year and it is the most interesting and entertaining app with regards to free content .


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